Spring Cereal Varieties 2006

Spring Varieties 2006

Spring Barley 2006 – Varietal description

Westminster is a malting barley with provisional approval by IoB for the production of malt for brewing and has given high yields equal to Cocktail. It is moderately tall but with stiff straw and could find favour with the stock farmer. It also has good resistance to mildew and Rhynchosporium.
Breeder/UK Agent: Nickerson (UK) Ltd.

Tipple is a malting barley with provisional approval by IoB for the production of malt for brewing and is currently undergoing further testing. Yielding some 3% above Cocktail it has good resistance to brackling + good resistance to mildew and brown rust but is very susceptible to yellow rust and susceptible to Rhynchosporium.
Breeder/ UK Agent: New Farm Crops, Syngenta Seeds Ltd.

Oxbridge is a malting barley with provisional approval by IoB for the production of malt for distilling and looks set to replace Cellar in Scotland. It has given high yields equal to Cocktail and 3% above Troon, has good resistance to brackling and has good resistance to Rhynchosporium but is susceptible to yellow rust.
Breeder/UK Agent: Nickerson (UK) Ltd.

Cocktail has full IoB approval for brewing and distilling use yet has still to gain universal acceptance. It has given high yields 5% above Cellar and has very good resistance to brackling, is very susceptible to yellow rust but has no other foliar disease weakness.
Breeder/ UK Agent: New Farm Crops, Syngenta Seeds Ltd (www.newfarmcrops.co.uk).

Troon is a specific recommendation for the North East region and has full IoB approval for the production of malt for distilling use.
It has good resistance to mildew but is susceptible to Rhynchosporium.
Breeder/UK Agent: Nickerson (UK) Ltd.

Cellar is fully approved by the IoB for the production of malt for brewing. It is slightly higher yielding than Optic and grows particularly well in East Anglia especially Lincs. It has good resistance to mildew but is susceptible to yellow rust and Rhynchosporium.
Breeder/UK Agent: New Farm Crops, Syngenta Seeds Ltd.

Optic is still the most widely grown variety in the UK but is under severe pressure from other varieties. It is fully approved by the IoB for the production of malt for brewing and distilling and is also suitable for export. It has good resistance to yellow rust but is susceptible to Rhynchosporium and is well known for its tendency to brackle.
Breeder/UK Agent: New Farm Crops, Syngenta Seeds Ltd.

Chalice is a specific recommendation for the North East and North West regions.
It has full approval from the IoB for the production of malt for brewing and has given similar to Optic. It has good resistance to mildew but is susceptible to brown rust.
Breeder/UK Agent: New Farm Crops, Syngenta Seeds Ltd.

Rebecca is recommended for the North East and North West regions.
Like Riviera, it is a medium tall variety but has slightly better lodging resistance. And has a lower specific weight than Riviera.
It is susceptible to brackling and very susceptible to yellow rust.
Breeder: Nordsaat, Germany.

Riviera is widely grown in Scotland but its yield is some 11% below Waggon.
It is a medium tall, medium early variety producing grain with a high specific weight. It has good resistance to mildew.
Breeder/ UK Agent: RAGT seeds Ltd.

Appalloosa is a specific recommendation for the North East region.
It is a malting barley still under test by IoB with potential for use for the production of malt for distilling and in the North East region has outyielded Troon by 9%. It is has good resistance to brackling and has good resistance to mildew and yellow rust but is susceptible to Rhynchosporium.
Breeder/ UK Agent: Advanta Seeds UK.

Spring Oats

Firth is the spring oat variety to grow with its high kernel content and good resistance to mildew but is rather susceptible to crown rust.
Breeder: Lochow-Petkus, Germany.

Spring Wheat

Paragon is the the only NABIM Group 1 variety on the Recc List In late autumn sown trials it has given yields nearly 14% below Xi19 but protein content has been 1.1% higher and specific weight has been 2.7% higher. In spring-sown trials it has given yields 17% below Tybalt but with 1% higher protein content and slightly better specific weight. Paragon has generally good disease resistance with good resistance to mildew, yellow rust, brown rust and Septoria nodorum and Septoria tritici.
Breeder/ UK Agent RAGT seeds Ltd.

Ashby has in spring-sown trials it has given yields 4% below Tybalt but with higher protein content and specific weight.
It has generally good disease resistance with good resistance to mildew, yellow rust, brown rust and Septoria nodorum.
Breeder/ UK Agent: CPB Twyford.